Ashley Larios

Program: UNT Faculty Led - Mayborn in Madrid
Major: Integrative Studies
Term: Summer 2023


Q: What made you choose your study abroad program?
A: I chose to study abroad as I have always had a love for traveling, so when I heard about being able to study my minor in another country, I jumped at this life-changing opportunity.

Q: Why do you feel it is important for UNT students to study abroad?
A: I feel that it is important for UNT students to study abroad because anyone can benefit from going abroad to learn from other cultures and grow both professionally and personally in order to become better informed global citizens.

Q: How did studying abroad change your goals, interests, outlook, and worldview?
A: Studying abroad made me grow tremendously as an individual as I grew in courage and confidence, and my love for traveling grew stronger.

Q: What is your most favorite memory from studying abroad?
A: My favorite memory studying abroad was getting to go to Barcelona by myself, as this was my first experience solo traveling. I got to see not just the city of Barcelona but the countryside as well.

Q: What advice to you have for students considering study abroad or have upcoming study abroad trips?
A: My advice for anyone studying abroad is to make the most of every day, be fearless and adventurous, and absorb every experience as much as possible!