The American-Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) is the leading cultural and educational link between the U.S. and Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. An American non-profit organization, ASF works to build international understanding with an extensive program of fellowships, grants, intern/trainee sponsorship, publishing and membership offerings.
Up to $5,000
Offers awards to students receiving Federal Pell Grant funding. Click here for an in-depth video about Gilman eligibility requirements and application timelines.
$10,000 (semester) $20,000 (one year)
All Boren scholars must agree to a service requirement upon graduation.
Variable, usually between $2,500 - $4,000
Offers 100 scholarships annually to students studying abroad in Japan.
Covers all program costs
Offers intensive summer language institutes overseas in eleven critical need foreign languages.
DAAD offers a variety of grants and scholarships for study abroad and international internships in Germany.
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers nearly 600 awards in teaching, research, and graduate studies in over 125 countries globally.
$3,000 - $7,000 depending on the term of study
Offers need-based funding to assist with the cost of study abroad and related expenses.
Up to $10,000
Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents currently enrolled as undergraduates in US universities/colleges who plan to study abroad during summer or semester abroad programs.
Up to $10,000
The FEA Rainbow Scholarship will be awarded to a deserving LGBTQI student who aims to participate in a high-quality, rigorous education abroad program.
Global Ambassadors serve as international correspondents encouraging others to study abroad.
IIE is an independent non-profit organization that administers many scholarships and provides a study abroad scholarship search engine.
The scholarship program is intended to diversify study abroad and to encourage students to go abroad who would otherwise not participate in an international experience as part of their college education, especially in support of high-achieving, low-income students. 
Up to $2,000
Offers need-based funding for students studying in Korea for one semester or a full academic year.
Tuition, housing, book grant, thesis grant, research grant, and RT travel
Full scholarship for one year of graduate level study in the United Kingdom for US college graduates (12 month masters degree program available).
Offers round-trip airfare, a monthly stipend, and waived tuition for study in Japan
Provided by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (Monbukagakusho: MEXT).
Tuition, housing, and stipend
Graduate/post-graduate study in Ireland for US college graduates. Includes one year of tuition, housing, living stipend and travel stipend. (12 month masters degree program available).
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to help support undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad.
Full Financial Support
Full financial support for US citizens to pursue a degree or degrees at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
The Rotary Foundation offers multiple grants for humanitarian projects, graduate-level academic studies, and vocational training teams.
Provides an extensive list of scholarships available from various sources.
ThinkSwiss Scholarships support highly motivated and qualified U.S. and Canadian undergraduate and graduate students to get a research experience or to participate in a summer school course in Switzerland. 
Offers financial assistance to undergraduate or graduate students pursuing study abroad programs in Japan.
Undergraduates with junior standing can apply for a grant toward up to three years of graduate education leading to a career in the public service.
Sophomore and junior level undergraduate scholarships of up to $5000 to students committed to careers related to the environment, tribal public policy, or Native American health care.